President Nana Akufo-Addo has announced the increase in peacekeeping daily allowances for personnel of the Ghana Police Service from $30 to $35.
Currently, officers from Ghana Police Service are providing peacekeeping duties in Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia and Central African Republic.
Ghana Police personnel have served in international peacekeeping operations in just about every trouble spot in the world, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Cote D’Ivoire, Kosovo, Namibia, Bosnia, Georgia and Iraq.
Speaking at Ghana’s 62nd Independence Anniversary celebration in the Northern Regional capital, Tamale, President Akufo Addo was glad to note that the Police Service is moving to modernize its own rules and regulations which would hold them to their vision to become a whole class service capable of delivering, planned, protective and peaceful services to the standards of international best practices in a democracy.
“For the first time since the colonial Gold Coast era, Police Service instructions that govern every aspect of internal professional behaviour has been wholly revised. From the Code of Ethical Conduct to Administration, Welfare, recruitment of training, use of firearms. The new service instruction put to writing specific direction to every rank, from police orderlies, charge officers, crime officers, Regional and Divisional Commanders, Commissioners of Police, through to the authority of the Inspector General of Police himself in every aspect of their work. The Police must police themselves first.”